Biyernes, Oktubre 28, 2011

A 2D Me!

I Like this stuff I created on 2D Yourself on Cartoon Network (Phineas and Ferb), feel like a kid again. I copied my myself on 2D and happy on the outcome. My son loves to watch Cartoon Network everyday before going to school, so I know whats the latest on this channel, try it and have some fun too! check it on this site:

Miyerkules, Oktubre 26, 2011

Christmas In our Hearts

Christmas is fast approaching, even if it is still 60days to go we can now really feel the feeling, smell the smells, see the sights and  taste the  sweetness of Christmas. It's everywhere, I guess?
I want to share the lyrics of this song to everyone, whose excited to give gifts and of course to receive gifts as well! enjoy! ho ho ho!

           by: Jose Mari Chan

Whenever I see girls and boys
Selling lanterns in the streets
I remember the Child
In the manger as He sleeps
Whenever there are people
Giving gifts exchanging cards
I believe that Christmas
Is truly in their hearts
Let's light our christmas trees
For a bright tomorrow
Where nations are at peace
And all are one in God.

Let's sing 'Merry Christmas
And a happy holiday'
This season, may we never forget
The love we have for Jesus
Let Him be the One to guide us
As another new year stars
And may the spirit of christmas
Be always in our hearts
In every prayer and every song
The community unites
Celebrating the birth
Of our Saviour Jesus Christ
Let love, like that starlight
On that first Christmas morn
Lead us back to the manger
Where Christ the Child was born
So come let us rejoice
Come and sing the Christmas carol
With one big joyful voice
Proclaim the name of the Lord.

Huwebes, Oktubre 20, 2011

All about stiff neck

I woke up sunday morning, I realized my neck wasn't moving at all? It doesn't move to the right nor left, up  down... I got stiffed neck! I start going hysterical about it, because it's sunday and I have to attend our sunday worship where I'm in-charged to play the keyboard. 
I can't hardly move, even when I took a bath it really aches a lot from my nape all the way to my back... But still I have to go to  church then. Just don't know how God make it not so painful while I'm playing. Thank God!
When we got home after the service, my husband damp warm towel on the affected area so the aches might lessen, but still it doesn't work at all. When we go to bed that night, it still keeps me awake, coz I don't know what position I have to do to make it feel better, but still it hurts a lot!.
The next day, it felt worst than any other stiffed neck I ever have in my life! My husband accompanied me to see a doctor immediately to check on my neck, then the doctors' findings was-- yes I got a stiffed neck and cramps worsens it.
Got the medications and thank God after 2 days the cramps loosens a bit, and day after day it felt OK, until now, but still I can feel a little needle like hurt that pinch my muscle when too much force or movement I make.

Biyernes, Oktubre 14, 2011

Gabby is turning 5!

Then came his 2nd, now his 5th, a smart school toddler exploring and learning new things on his own, asking what's this? and what's that? why? and why not?
I know it's just the beginning, and still, more to come! We love our son and will always will. May God bless you as you grow older, and grant wisdom as you grow taller.
Happy Birthday!

Huwebes, Oktubre 13, 2011

A new start

It's really so nice to think about new beginnings,  new start of something that has been mellowed for a while-- a breath of fresh air... A year or two since my last blog, my fingers missed the typing, the quick view of every post and of course the excitement to look who's on view.
I wanted to start again this time, on a full bloom but with a different upcome, and a new shade of me - Jha.
Hope I can share with you my thoughts, my dreams, my present, my future..  My start-- myself...

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